7 days to a new habit

Minimalism is really about habits. Doing a few things each day to keep our homes and minds free of clutter. With the change of season it feels like the perfect time to shake up our routines and embrace some new, mindful habits. 

Pick a habit, commit to it for 7 days and I’m almost certain your days will unfold with more ease, the energy in your home will feel lighter and you’ll get more done. Research suggest it takes 21 days to form a new habit - 7 days feels like a great start.

1. Clean kitchen at night - before going to bed put away dishes, ensure bench tops are clean and clear, bins are empty and a fresh tea towel and dish cloth is laid out. This simple routine can make your mornings more peaceful and set a positive tone for the day.

2. Digital 10 - spend 10 minutes at the end of each day simplifying your digital world. Edit/delete photos, unsubscribe from emails, answer messages, unfollow, do a review of your apps. This simple habit ensures you don't end up with the burdensome task of sorting 40,000 photos in a hurry because your phone storage is full.

3. 20 Things - walk around your home and find 20 things you no longer use, need or love. At the end of the week donate, recycle, sell or bin them. The idea behind 20 things is to focus on the 20 things and not get distracted. I've found this habit great if you find you get stuck letting things go. 

4. Prepare for the next day - lay out clothes, pack bags, prepare food, organise supplements, review schedule + to-do list. There's such a shift in the way we start our days when things are laid out ready for us to step into the day. 


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  • Re. the ADHD comment on this page, I’d say that the structure you suggest would be helpful. For example, the reviewing of To-do’s/schedule each evening.

    • Andy M
  • Can a person with ADHD achieve this?

    • Fiona Groves